Compound Wall
The following principles should be strictly followed while construction. For any defects in the compound wall will have disastrous consequences. Regular Plot The Eastern and Northern walls should be thinner and shorter. Western and Southern walls should be thicker and higher. Slope in the plot should be from SouthWest to NorthEast only. Care to be taken while making slope for the ground that even afterwards South & West wall are higher and thicker that North & Eastern walls. The heights of the compound walls be measured from the main construction floor level only. There shall be no spikes or glass pieces on Northern and Eastern walls. For this obstructs inflow of energy. Skewed Plot NorthEast compound wall should be thinner and shorter. SouthWest compound wall should be thicker and higher. Walls on SouthEast and NorthWest should be similar in height and thickness. (thinker than NorthEast wall but thinner than SouthWest wall and higher than NorthEast wal...