Rules of Construction as per Vastu
- Plot may be regular or skewed, digging for foundation should start always from NorthEast and proceed towards NorthWest & SouthEast simultaneously. Further form NorthWest & SouthEast start simultaneously towards SouthWest.
- Bhumipuja (prayer prior to start of construction) is done in NorthEast only. There after dig water tank / well / bore well towards East / North / NorthEast. While doing so ensure that the prayer place is towards SouthWest.
- For foundation work start from SouthWest and proceed simultaneously towards NorthWest & SouthEast. Further on proceed simultaneously from NorhWest & SouthEast towards NorthEast.
- Even while building the walls, the sequence of foundation construction only should be followed. Due care be taken such that at the end of the day, Eastern, NorthEastern and Northern walls are not higher than Western, SouthWestern and Southern walls. Nor thicker either.
- Frontage/verandah/each room - their floor level shall be such that while cleaning the same drain water flows from West, SouthWest & South side towards East, NorthEast & North side only. Or else their may not be any slope on the flooring either. Care should be taken that at no time East, NorthEast & North are higher in level that West, SouthWest & South.
- Bulk construction material (cement, bricks, stone, steal etc.) are located towards West, SouthWest or South only. Ensure that no material is stored towards East, NorthEast & North (even in the neighbor's plot). If possible material may be stored on the other side of the road even. These should not be stacked adjoining the plot.
- While making slope in the building/ bedroom care be taken such that SouthWest side is highest in level, SouthEast is lower than SouthWest, NorthWest is lower than SouthEast and NorthEast as the lowest. As example if SouthWest is 1 foot high, SouthEast be 10 inches, NorthWest be 8 inches and NorthEast 6 inches.
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